Content Intelligence in the News

Artificial Intelligence Content Strategy COVID-19 News

Extra, extra – read all about it! We’re thrilled to share that inPowered’s new Content Intelligence platform has been a hot topic in the news, recently being featured in Fortune and ZDNet. We wanted to highlight some of our favorite parts about these press placements; why we’re so excited to be getting the word out about CI and how AI-powered content marketing can transform your digital marketing strategy.

Fortune: “Sometimes the simplest uses of A.I. are the best”

We were super excited about this article for a number of reasons – not only was it featured on Fortune’s website and included in their “Eye on AI” newsletter, but it also included an interview with one of our valued partners at Campbell Ewald. They gave insights into working with inPowered and the real ROI we’ve been able to drive for them through Content Intelligence:

“Recently, I spoke to Michael Veselinovski, a senior account supervisor at the advertising firm Campbell Ewald, in Detroit. He says he used to spend a large portion of his time analyzing data from digital ad campaigns to figure out what was working and what wasn’t, as well as trying to gather statistics that could prove that campaigns Campbell Ewald had designed for its clients were actually delivering a return on investment. ‘For us, it was a lot of manual work’ Veselinovksi says. ‘We had to come up with a hypothesis and then test it out.’

Campbell Ewald started using software from a California-based A.I. company called inPowered that specializes in A.I. that helps brands better position what’s known as native advertising—that is advertising that looks like journalism but is designed to help create a positive impression of a particular brand or at least make it more likely the reader will buy a particular product or service.

InPowered’s software takes in data from past ad campaigns as a baseline, but then it generates new data by automatically running a series of small A/B tests. It uses these to figure out the best pieces of marketing content to run on a given website. It also figures out the best time and place within that website to position a “call to action” —such as a pop-up asking the reader to click through to another piece of content or a different site where the advertiser may be able to make a sale. Critically, inPowered’s ‘content intelligence’ platform figures out the best wording to use in the headline of that content and in those pop-ups to drive clickthrough rates.

 For Campbell Ewald’s insurance client, the system increased the number of people who clicked through to the life insurance calculator from less than 0.1% to 12%. ‘That’s 6,000 incremental clicks we’ve driven to the insurance calculator,’ Veselinovski says. And those clicks are more likely to result in sales because people who have already landed on the insurance calculator are 40% more likely to engage with the next piece of content from the insurer, such as an online quote.”

ZDNet: “AI approach could solve the problem of ROI for content”

This article told the story of Content Intelligence and how it was developed out of a real need from our clients during COVID-19. Not only did marketers need to know that their content strategies were driving real ROI and making the most of their ad spend; but with the unprecedented shifts in consumer behavior, it was also imperative to understand new shifts in consumer behavior and be able to adjust brand messaging & marketing strategies accordingly:

“‘When COVID started to hit we saw a lot of big clients, some of the largest brands in the world, pull back spending because they weren’t able to engage with people, and they didn’t know what type of content would work under these new business conditions,’ said Peyman Nilforoush, CEO and co-founder of inPowered.

InPowered’s software engineers, working from home-based offices, began developing a machine learning technology that could measure the impact of every piece of content and find the best content that resonates the most with viewers under real-time conditions. Companies can then choose to further boost that content across the Internet and also to plan future content marketing campaigns.

 The AI technology is presented as a new service called Content Intelligence. It is a cloud-based service that offers to solve a vexing problem: What is the return on investment (ROI) on content marketing? It’s one of the most challenging problems in the media industry.”

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