inPowered Celebrates the 155th Anniversary of Juneteenth and Makes it an Annual Holiday 


Today marks the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth, the oldest celebration honoring the end of slavery in the United States. June 19, 1865 marks the day when news of emancipation and the Civil War’s end finally reached the last group of Slaves in America. It represents a belated liberation for Black people in America — although the Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863, it would take nearly two and a half years for Lincoln’s proclamation to be relayed to Texas; and even then, not all enslaved people were freed instantly. By observing this holiday, it represents standing in solidarity with the freedom for Black people that has been delayed by ongoing institutional and systematic oppression and racism. inPowered will be closed in observance of this holiday on June 19 this year & every year onwards. We encourage our employees and families to reflect, honor and celebrate the significance of this day.

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